STABLE HOMES , wood, gyproc, epoxy, plaster, chains, textile, sandpaper, cyanotope, spray pain, acrylic paint - installation in situ, dimensions variable- 2022

DIRTY GIRL - Trestle, insulationboard, spray paint, mixed media objects, epoxy, textiles -60x360x75cm- 2022

SOOTHING AND SANDING - blanket, chain, spraypaint, trestle -dimensions variable- 2021

3 WINDOWS _ UNCLEANED - paper, glue, textile, glove on wood - 2019

3 WINDOWS_ UNCLEANED - installation view
Fragmenten uit mijn werkproces. De vertrekpunten zijn: staren door vensters, restanten van vuil als aandenken en de esthetiek van het poetsen dat te verkiezen is boven de daad ervan.

USE ME -multiple 200ex.- stack ,textile, glue, paper - 2019

USE ME- multiple -frontside and backside- textile, glue, paper, text - 2019

USE ME - lyrics, print on paper A6 - 2019

NUDE II -wood, plastic, oilpaint, rope - variable dimensions

NUDE -wood, plastic, rope, paint- 170x170cm -2019

THAT DRESS- textile, gleu, iron, plaster - 2018

THROWN - mousse, textile on floor - 2018
Composition in situ

ZIJ-textile, thread, chair - exhibition view - 2017

NO MORE CHORES - textile, glue - 2016